Learn from the best!
Collective sports in general, and basketball in particular, have based their physical training on the training theory used for individual sports, particularly athletics, so they require a new approach which adapts to their own characteristics and needs. Furthermore, technological advances have provided new tools for physical trainers, sports scientists and coaches, allowing, among other things, the control and assessment of the workload produced by training sessions and/or competitions. Hence, it is necessary to know this new approach, based on holistic physical training, to apply it to modern basketball with the main objective of optimizing performance and preventing injuries.
• Analyse how physical demands condition basketball practice
• Analyse basketball physical and technical-tactical demands
• Know the theoretical framework of the new training approach
• Design training sessions in the structured microcycle
• All those people related to basketball or small-field team sports, mainly physical trainers, sports scientists, coaches and sports doctors who seek to broaden the traditional vision of physical preparation in basketball. We start from a holistic approach of the basketball player and the knowledge of the physical demands the player puts up with during the competition to design training sessions.