Learn from the best!
• Understand the different theoretical movements which underly the new training paradigms.
• Create action plans based on an understanding of player complexity.
• Optimize the choice of different methodologies which can be applied to the training process, focusing on the formative process of players.
• Design strategies that favor a collective training process with regard to our game, focusing on player development.
• Improve critical analysis by completing a training program on the different professional roles of sports science and health.
• Improve sports performance and injury prevention through a deepened understanding of the methodology to use in strength training and muscle power programs.
• Apply the appropriate methodology to the design of the post-injury rehabilitation process in situations where strength development plays a significant role.
• Have a broad understanding of the emerging methodologies of strength training in order to explore these with the benefit of a solid scientific foundation.
• Understand the role of macronutrients for football performance.
• Use the appropriate tools to develop effective leadership in the management of groups and individuals.