
How important is the birth date in football players’ sports career?

One of the main objectives of those involved in elite sports (parents, coaches, scientists, managers, etc.) is to understand what factors make success possible.

Staying fit in Team Sports? Francisco Seirul·lo’s Proposal

Coaches’ planning in elite performance sports involves description, forecasting, organisation, design, and assessment of all training stimuli.

What Training Methods do Coaches Use for their Professional Development?

Coaches usually know a lot about their sport and have a good command of how to help their athletes to do better.

White sport or black lives matter: is there room for claiming rights in competition?

It made the news in June, and a change of attitude took place from one of the most commercially successful star players: Michael Jordan.

Are there different football cultures in each country? Differences between the premier league and La Liga

In the football world, it seems to be a generally accepted the fact that there are different sports cultures in each country.

Jump as a Fatigue Indicator

The monitoring of neuromuscular fatigue in athletes is very relevant when planning training sessions and competitions.

How to organize training in team sports. The Paco Seirul·lo proposal

Following the proposal made by Professor Seirul·lo, practical proposals and the way of understanding training in team sports must be viewed from their own specific perspective.

How does Cold Water used as a Recovery Method Affect Strength and Endurance in Sports Performance?

Recovery between sessions is extremely important for high training loads in professional sports.

Do players run less when their team is in possession of the ball?

The arrival of Johan Cruyff as FC Barcelona’s coach in 1988 caused a revolution in the way the game is understood and footballers are trained.

Which exercises work best to prevent muscle injuries in football?

Injuries are a major concern in football. Among all, muscle injuries are the most frequent ones, more than receiving a blow, fractures and joint injuries.