Máster en Gestión Deportiva y Habilidades Jurídicas

Organizado por:

El programa proporciona instrucción básica sobre la industria deportiva, combinada con capacitación específica en administración deportiva (contabilidad, finanzas, marketing, administración de personal y análisis) y derecho (ley de propiedad intelectual y resolución alternativa de disputas). Después de completar con éxito sus cursos, los estudiantes serán asignados como pasantes por un período de 3 a 6 meses dentro de las principales agencias de deportes mundiales, equipos, ligas, bufetes de abogados u organismos reguladores, en función de su perfil académico y objetivos profesionales.

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Octubre (anualmente)

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Master in Sports Management and Legal Skills with Fútbol Club Barcelona, ISDE Law School

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1ª fase: Centro Académico ISDE en Barcelona, España, de lunes a jueves de 15:00 a 19:00 pm. 2ª fase: pasantía.


El Máster en Gestión Deportiva y Habilidades Jurídicas, de ISDE y FC Barcelona, ha sido diseñado para graduados en ADE, Derecho y Económicas, así como para profesionales de otros ámbitos que deseen desarrollar sus carreras en el mundo del deporte y deportistas profesionales que, después de haberse retirado de la competición, aspiren a seguir en el ámbito deportivo como directivos.


  • Strategic planning
  • Innovation in Sports
  • Legal Department
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • International Federations
  • Olympic International Committee and Olympic International Academy
  • EU and – Sports organization. Specificity of sport
  • UEFA
  • US Sports – US College Sports
  • Model of Football Competitions (Champions League)

  • Football Players’ Contract models
  • The Influence of FIFA regulations (Status and Transfer of Players)
  • Transfers and loans of players (national / international)
  • Training compensation / Solidarity mechanism
  • Transfer of Minors

  • Football Player and Coach representation.
  • Club representation.
  • Representation of players on other sports
  • Representation in the US Sport market

  • Sport and work in the EU
    – Professional athletes / amateur athletes
    – Comparative analysis of state regulations
  • EU rules on recognition of professional qualifications in the field of sport
  • Alterations in the development of the employment relationship: national teams
  • The free movement of workers vs. restriction clauses
  • Employment Contracts on the US market

  • Management of international events Exploitation of assets
  • Legal Aspects of the Organization of Major Sports Events
  • FIFA bidding process
  • Moto GP Licensing and Sponsorship programs

  • Liability in Sports
  • Governance in Sport

  • General concepts of marketing. Scope. Strategies. Markets
  • Sports marketing. Definition. The industry. The Athletes. Sports entities
  • Brands. Brand management. Image rights
  • Market research
  • Sponsorship
  • Merchandising. Kit suppliers
  • Media rights (TV, radio, internet)
  • Marketing plan. Marketing agencies
  • Communication in sport
  • TV production and management

  • Strategic planning. Organization and management
  • Strategic Management. Data Analysis
  • Human resources and Risk management
  • Leadership in sports
  • Change and transitional management in sports
  • Management of sports facilities
  • Motivation in the frame of the structural organization
  • Management of a Sports Association, the Catalan Tennis Federation
  • Management in football clubs
  • Event Operations Management

  • Integrity.
  • Integrity and match fixing
  • Betting Doping.
  • Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs)
  • Proof of doping. Results Management

  • Introduction to mediation and arbitration in sports
  • Introduction to TAS-CAS: structure and function. Procedures
  • The practice of a lawyer before CAS/ Relevant case law

  • Comparative analysis & Tax Planning
  • Direct and undirect taxes & Tax benefits
  • Taxation of income from exploitation of image rights & Taxation of Sponsorhip
  • Finance Direction of Clubs

  • The importance of IP in the sports industry. EUIPO. IP in the US
  • Brands and distinctive signs
  • The new role of digital content on sponsorship and media rights
  • Ambush Marketing

  • Sports Leadership
  • Global expansion of sport
  • Sports Innovation
  • Women sports
  • Sports Organization
  • Practical Case
  • Moto GP
  • European Championships

  • eSports: introduction to the industry
  • eSports: Formation, competition system and management of a professional league


A finalizar este Máster, podrás trabajar en las siguientes áreas:

  • Dirección de entidades deportivas
  • Despachos de abogados
  • Agente deportivo
  • Consultoría deportiva
  • Industria de material deportivo
  • Centros deportivos
  • Federaciones, ligas, clubes y asociaciones
  • Administración pública
  • Formación y enseñanza
  • Dirección en empresas de servicios deportivos
  • Organización de eventos deportivos